CTI Online: Christian Teaching Institute

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Thank you for your interest in CTI. In order for students to apply to CTI, they need to procure the following documents.

Lebanese students
• ID and photocopy of ID
• Personal photo (four pictures for KG students)
• School grades from the previous school
• Certified attestation from the previous school
• School diplomas, honors, club membership, etc…
• KG and grade school: vaccination / health record

Non–Lebanese students
• Passport and photocopy of passport
• Photograph (four for KG students)
• School grades from the previous school
• Honors, diplomas, club membership, etc..
• KG and grade school: vaccination / health record
• Equivalence from the Ministry of Education (we will inform about what you need to do)

We would love to see you on our premises for an interview. Kindly call CTI at 961 1 497974 for an appointment, and the application will be filled onsite. Alternatively, please fill the following online application and we will contact you for an appointment:

Looking forward to meeting you!